Intune: “Jobs failed to complete within timeout of 600000 ms”

The IntuneManagementExtension.log shows an application’s content progressively downloading fine and then suddenly the job is flagged as a failure due to a 10 minute (600,000ms) timeout.
After much trial and error I have discovered that Intune has a bug (feature?) where dependent applications have a 10 minute download time limit. An application can be deployed directly to a user/device and the download can take however long it wants (and will succeed), however, if you include that same application as a dependency on another application, it now has a maximum of 10 minutes to complete the download otherwise Intune will cancel the download/installation.
Updated 2023/08/29: after working with Microsoft on this they have confirmed that this is expected behaviour. When AppA depends on AppB and AppA is requested by the user, AppB is installed using Delivery Optimization in ‘background’ mode. In background mode the download has a 10 minute timeout. There is no way for admins/users to change the download mode or the timeout value. Too bad if AppB is particularly large or your users have a poor network connection, right? I have raised a feature request with Microsoft to provide a larger timeout or the ability to control the value ourselves, but of course there is no guarantee that anything will be implemented.